A few weeks ago I paused subscriptions for paying subscribers. This means you won’t be charged until we get going again and yearly subscribers will have their subscriptions extended.
I had made a pretty big miscalculation when I began this newsletter. At that time, good data was coming out about how Covid-19 wasn’t nearly as deadly as previously thought and I believed that by June most of the world would have come to its senses and opened up again. Then I’d be able to get back on the road and do this site like it’s intended to be done.
That hasn’t happened yet. So rather than limping through months of analysis style posts where I discuss Silk Road news from afar I decided to pause the newsletter until things get back to normal.
The hallmark of this site is on the ground reports and experiential stories about what’s happening on the Silk Road, the people who are being impacted, and those doing the impacting. It’s meant to be something different — a complimentary publication to be paired with more traditional media sources. Without being able to travel I feel as if I’m not offering a product worth paying for. But as soon as the travel restrictions get lifted I will be back out there, asking questions, shooting video, and publishing stories. We’ll meet up again at that time.
Until then …
Walk Slow,